Hello Beautiful Daughters of Zion,

We have started the DOZ Annual 2024 retreat planning. I hope you begin growing in anticipation for some time away with the Lord and your sisters in Christ. We have begun to prepare and pray for the time and can all say what a treat the Lord has prepared for you all! We will send a follow up email with more details as we iron out a location and know the headcount.

The reason why we are communicating with you this early is because it will ease the financial burden to pay it every month rather than one lump sum close to the retreat.  For those who want to pay in advance that’s fine, but for those that need to take their time this is perfect.  

Start preparing Financially

Cost: $200 per person (this includes food, weekend stay, plus gift)

We will begin collecting money in March for those that want to pay in monthly installments.  Please see the breakout below.

  • March- $29
  • April- $29
  • May- $29
  • Jun- $29
  • Jul- $29
  • Aug- $29
  • Sep- $26

Start preparing Spiritually!

❤   Pray for your hearts to become fertile ground to receive and give of yourself to your heavenly father.

❤   Pray for the sisters that will be sharing their hearts, talents and passion with all of us.

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask your leaders or reply to this email.

Thank you and may you be blessed and have a wonderful day.  Know that us leads are praying for each and every one of you and are hopeful that you can make it!

Your sis in Christ,

Thaymee, Maria, Mekel and Jessica